Saturday, December 16, 2006

Some Yelow Weed

Just a little yellow flower from a weed in the back garden.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Spider on the Fence

Nothing spectacular today. Just a spider I found in our back yard. Hopefully ill post something better soon...

Saturday, December 9, 2006

One more Stained Glass

Here is another Stained glass picture from the Newcastle Cathedral. The place was filled with them and they really have a haunting effect.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Stained Glass

We went to the cathedral in Newcastle today. I took a couple of shots of the stained glass windows from inside.

Because its so dark and the stained glass is almost the only light source, the pictures came out black with only the stained glass showing any colour. I thought the overall effect was amazing ...

Millipede Spiral

We found this Millipede while we were still in South-Africa. I just thought it looked cool becuase it made this cool spiral.

It was taken with a Pentax Optio 30 (3Mpixel)

Cricket on Dead Leaves

I found this cricket while searching for more mushrooms.

Its not the best picture i have ever seen, but it was taken with a 3Mega-pixel camera.

First "Macro" shot.

I took this shot more than a year ago just after receiving a new camera. I was blown away by it.

Now when i look at it, its not impressive, but still it got me thinking and interested in photography in general.

Im planning on publishing pictures regularly. Some of them you'll like, others will suck ... but hey! its about choice right?

Ill try and publish large versions of these in case someone wants to use it as a desktop wallpaper or something.

If you want the full versions, leave your details in the comments and ill mail it to you?